Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes

Gaius julius caesar

  • Gaius Julius Caesar ( / července př. n. l. – března 44 př. n. l. Řím) byl vojevůdce, politik a jeden z nejmocnějších mužů antické historie. Sehrál klíčovou roli v procesu zániku římské republiky a její transformace v císařství. Z jeho jména pochází titul caesar a odvozené císař (rusky car, německy Kaiser, See more.
  • Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on death
  • Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on love

  • Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ( B.C.) One of the great statesmen and generals of the late Roman Republic, a triumvir (61­54 BC), the associate and later opponent of Julius Caesar. He .
  • Gaius julius caesar
    1. Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (29 September BC – 29 September 48 BC), generally referred to in English as Pompey the Great, was a Roman general and politician.
      Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on death Following his defeat at the Battle of Pharsalus on August 9, 48 BCE, Pompey the Great faced a dire situation.
      Gaius julius caesar Gaius Julius Caesar ( / července př.
      Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on love Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ( B.C.) One of the great statesmen and generals of the late Roman Republic, a triumvir (61­54 BC), the associate and later opponent of Julius Caesar.
    Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (29 September BC – 29 September 48 BC), generally referred to in English as Pompey the Great, was a Roman general and politician.
    Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on death Following his defeat at the Battle of Pharsalus on August 9, 48 BCE, Pompey the Great faced a dire situation.
    Gaius julius caesar Gaius Julius Caesar ( / července př.
    Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on love Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus ( B.C.) One of the great statesmen and generals of the late Roman Republic, a triumvir (61­54 BC), the associate and later opponent of Julius Caesar.

    Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes on death

  • Following his defeat at the Battle of Pharsalus on August 9, 48 BCE, Pompey the Great faced a dire situation. His once-mighty army was shattered, and he found himself on the losing side of .
  • Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes
  • Gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes

  • Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus (29 September BC – 29 September 48 BC), generally referred to in English as Pompey the Great, was a Roman general and politician. Born: BCE. Died: .
  • gnaeus pompeius magnus quotes